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Portfolio Project: New High School in South Bronx

Currently in the zoning appeal process, this school will be a 90,000 SF charter school in the Bronx with a curriculum that emphasizes the arts, especially performing arts. Our team worked to develop SD floor plans to fit the very ambitious program, which included a full gymnasium, auditorium, and cafeteria, within the tight site. Next,  we all generated multiple sketches for the exterior concept, and my design was selected.


Based on the idea that the performing and visual arts are all about the artist's decision to strategically expose aspects of their work, I did the same with the facade, creating selectively-placed gaps and reveals. These will enable passersby on this very visible corner site to see into the school at selective points, without compromising the students' academic focus. At the same time, the community has visibility into the public amenities of the school, creating an anchor for this rapidly-changing neighborhood.  (Exterior rendering by others.)

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