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Portfolio Project: CDs for an Elementary School in Brooklyn

Click the thumbnail images to move through this project. Mouse-over the upper image for a text description, or click on the upper image to see a full-sized version.

Coming on board this project after schematic design was complete, I served as job captain for DD and CD sets, and later, evolved into the project manager, For this Design-Build project, we had strict deadlines for 50% DD, GMP, CD, and permitting sets, all of which I ensured that we met. I was also tasked with coordination  of civil, engineering, and structural sets. Together with the expeditor, I also navigated the complex NYC permitting process, sometimes meeting with the plan examiners to address or rebut their objections. I successfully prepared submissions and forms for the Zoning, Energy Compliance, Building, Parks, and Highway Departments of NYC. During construction, I handled the construction administration. 

Included in the thumbnails above are several representative construction drawings. 

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